Monday, August 8, 2016

School is STARTING!

Here are some helpful tips any of the art classes:
  1. All of the assignments, notes, requirements and tips are located on the links above.
  2. Every class requires a sketch book, except for computer graphics.
  3. Every class has homework every week, except for computer graphics.
  4. Computer Graphics is a challenging class, but cool :)
  5. Every class will require some type of reflection: writing or speaking.
  6. Every class has an opportunity for you to challenge yourself.
  7. Every project has a rubric, but you can make suggestions.
  8. You are responsible for your class time, misuse will result in grade loss. Great use = Great Gains!
  9. Over the last 5 years every PHSC student going into college for art has received at least 25% of their tuition in scholarships. Work harder = more $.
  10. Creativity = Courage